I was born on Canadian soil. I have a Canadian birth certificate. I have a Canadian passport, a health card, driver's license and a social insurance number all issued by the Canadian Federal and or Provincial government of Ontario. By this point you must be wondering how Canadian can this kid get but the truth is very few so-called "Canadians" see me as Canadian. I'm always asked, "where are you from?" and when I reply I was born and raised in Canada it is immediately followed up with, "No no no, where are you really from?" No really, in case you didn't get it the first time I am FROM CANADA! Why is that so hard to believe? What makes it difficult for me to be seen as a Canadian? When people talk about celebrating Canadian diversity, multiculturalism, ethnic pluralism, and any other fancy term you want to use, what are they really talking about? When we consistently point to Canada's absence of identity why is there a clear distinctio...
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