Adventures from the Archives Part I
Hello blog world! Before we get into the actual article below, I just wanted to quickly thank all of you who have been been following the blog. I have been absolutely shocked and humbled by how many of you are taking the time to read these posts. It really does mean a lot to me and I truly appreciate all of your support and encouragement. As always, don't be shy to get in touch with me or ask questions. Now enough of this sappiness and on to the first article! Uganda Argus, August 5th, 1972. Here is the first article in the Adventures from the Archives series. Naturally it seemed fitting to start with the original article from the Ugandan newspaper the Argus. It was on August 4th 1972 in an address to officiers and men of the Airborne Regiment at Tororo. Major General and President Idi Amin declared that there was no room in Uganda " for the over 80,000 Asians holding British passports who are sabotaging Uganda's economy and encouraging corruption " (Ug...