
Showing posts from January, 2014

The Lonely World of Comps

Hey everyone! After a very long hiatus from blogging (reasons behind my MIA status will be revealed later) I am back at it again. This time it is to share some thoughts, maybe even some words of wisdom, surrounding one of the most dreaded processes within the PhD program - COMPREHENSIVE EXAMS To go straight to the words of advice click here A lot of people have asked me what are required of PhD students and why I was so busy over the last few months. The answer is here ... Most students refer to this mandatory examination process as comps. What exactly are comps? Essentially it is a test to validate or verify your academic knowledge of a given field. Every single PhD student, at least in Canada, must complete the process and they greatly vary from faculty to faculty and department to department. For example, some science departments require students to edit a journal article, create a concrete and testable study (with all the necessary components of a formal lab study...